Sunday, November 6, 2011


The topic I have chosen to research is the effect of invasive species in Lake Champlain and how they can be prevented. I decided to research this topic because I am an avid freshwater angler and the spread of invasive species may threaten species that I enjoy fishing for.

Starting in the mid 1800’s non native species was found to be present in Lake Champlain. Today these species are still present and more are entering.  Some of these species include Alewife, zebra mussels, didymo, and white perch. Because these species are non native they can cause a problem in the lakes natural state. New species are still being spread and if they continue to spread many of our countries lakes will be greatly affected.

This topic not only affects anglers but all those who rely on the lake and use it for recreation. A lot of business relies on the lake and if the lake becomes ruined in any way it could be very harmful to the local economy. It is important to reach the audiences because all I am trying to appeal to are members of the community and this issue is literally in their backyard.

Right now several organizations and outdoor groups have been attempting to spread the word a make invasive species a more known issue.  There are also ways of preventing the spread so that new sources are not contaminated. 




